Greece’s Educational System problem

Today, I am going to talk about an issue of more general interest: the educational system of Greece and more particularly how it can be “sanitized” and cleared up from problems that have been around for decades. I believe that I’m entitled to speak about it, using my characteristic of “dad”, “recruiter of young professionals” and “physicist by education”; not to mention “married to a teacher”!

Well, to cut a long way short, here is a list of things to do or change in the Greek Educational System:

  • Decrease central government expenditure for Education, by 30%
  • Decrease number of schools by 20%
  • Decrease number of teachers by 20%
  • Make sure that all high-school and Lyceum teachers hold an M.Sc.
  • Install serious teacher evaluation mechanisms. At the same time, give back to the teachers the high social status that they deserve.
  • Move the economy of schools under the roof of the municipality, instead that of the central government
  • If economic crisis hits, then give 20% of the teachers a mandatory sabbatical (with no pay)
  • Stop the madness of “private afternoon schools – frontistiria”.

    There you have it: the solution to the county’s over-expensive, under-productive Educational System.

    “Are you mad?” some of you will say (or maybe all of you!). No, dear friends, I am not mad and I can prove it: This is what Finland has done and its Educational System is among the best in Europe and on the planet! “Are they mad?” you may ask again. No, dear friends, the people of Finland are not crazy, either. They did it and it worked. Period. (although “frontistiria” has always been an unknown word to them…)

    Oops, I forgot to mention that in that country there is a serious surplus of social solidarity and almost zero corruption. So, when they are told that “we have a problem and you need to help your country” they just… do it.
  • Comments

    1. I am in total agreement with you. I have a 14 year old son in the public system and being forced to go private in order to keep him alive with educattion or I have failed to give him the best I can give allowing him to move forward in a very corrupt system. But try to tell the Greeks what to do or to say another country has done it and it works...well, beating on heads who won't listen and won't dare take advice on anyone they they fear is better than them!!! I would love to see your system put in progress.

    2. Thank you Jordan for your comment. I think you have expressed the agonies of all of us.

    3. Hello, I'm a Vietnamese. Glad to meet you!


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