SaaS Pricing Models (part 1)
There has been a lot of discussion of how a SaaS offering is priced. Different vendors use different pricing models. To the untrained eye it may seem that they don’t know what they’re doing. But, obviously, this is not the case. Vendors have thought a lot before applying “this” or “that” Pricing Model and you can rest assured that they’ve also done their competition research. Today, we shall explore the different Pricing Models of SaaS (we shall focus on SaaS; what you are about to read does not necessarily apply to PaaS, IaaS or other forms of “aaS”). We shall also try to approach an answer on why similar pricing models of similar applications can diverge so much from each other. Pricing per user, per month : This is a very common practice that reflects the fact that the criticality of the application on the Business functions is proportional to the number of users that are using it. It is attractive to the Buyer because it is very clear to him what is going to pay on “day one” and w...